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Increase Business Revenue by Being Thankful

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Denise Stern

Thanksgiving is a big deal for Americans; a time for family gatherings and reunions, the historical remembrance of our Pilgrim ancestors, and of course, a time to reflect on the past year.

The words "Give Thanks" surrounded by leaves.

You wouldn’t have a business if it weren’t for your employees, so what better way to show your appreciation for their loyalty than to thank them this holiday.

Thank your employees

Your employees support the foundation of your business. Without them, where would you be? Several ideas for thanking your employees this Thanksgiving are offered by Marla Tabaka in her article for Inc., “5 Unique Ways to Show Thanks to Your Employees.” Among them, treat them to a Thanksgiving meal from your local grocery store or offer them a day off before or after the Thanksgiving holiday. An unexpected bonus check or even a donation to a charity in the name of the employee are also ways to show your appreciation for their hard work.

Non-monetary gift ideas

A small business can’t always afford to dole out a holiday bonus or a raise. According to Suzanne Lucas, also writing for Inc., it pays to know your employees. In her article, “What Do Employees Want for Holiday Gifts? We Asked Them”, she went directly to employees and asked what they appreciated – or not. A number suggested consumables such as a frozen turkey, while others shook their heads at tickets to sporting events or lottery tickets. Some liked gift certificates to local grocery or retail stores or Amazon. Paid time off for a day or two before or after the holidays is always appreciated. The thing is, it doesn’t have to be terribly fancy or expensive. Most employees appreciate any gesture by an employer that says ‘thank you’ and who acknowledges their work and loyalty.

Show appreciation

Most employees – regardless of business size – just want to feel appreciated. What better way to do that than start a ‘Wall of Thanks’. Employers write personal notes to employees. Employees can also share appreciation for each other – and for you, the boss. A poster board, a wall of construction paper, post-it notes, a white board - you name it, your employees will appreciate the well-wishes of you and their peers. As Jennifer Williamson writes for Monster (Canada branch) in her article “Say ‘Thanks’ This Thanksgiving to your Staff’, it’s a time to celebrate the employee’s role in supporting your small business.

Give where it counts

According to a recent press release from TD Bank, nearly 75% of small businesses support local charities and community efforts. Donations typically go to food banks, money to help support a specific cause, youth-based organizations, and local fire and first-responder departments. Now that the holidays are just around the corner, thank your community. Discounts or percentages of sales going to local community efforts is a great way to show your gratitude to a community for supporting your business.

SurePayroll gives thanks!

SurePayroll encourages all business owners to thank their employees. We support small businesses everywhere and thank you for your support of us! We wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Check back in next week for more tips for small business success!

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