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Good Things Come in Small Packages – Preparing for Small Business Saturday

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Stephanie Davis

Since 1952, Black Friday, the day following Thanksgiving Day, has been known as the day that kicks off the holiday shopping season. Since its start, the unofficial holiday has evolved in ways such as starting earlier and earlier each year, most recently bleeding into Thanksgiving Day, and has become characterized by countless videos of consumers going wild for crazy cheap items as basic as dish towels. 

Small Business Saturday

The commercial success of Black Friday has resulted in two other shopping spin-offs to further please eager shoppers during the holiday season, Cyber Monday and Small Business Saturday, with Small Business Saturday making its American Express-sponsored debut in 2010.

Let’s get right to it: what is Small Business Saturday all about and why should your small business get involved in the frenzy?

What is Small Business Saturday?

As mentioned, November 27, 2010 was the first official Small Business Saturday. With the support and promotion of American Express, the unofficial shopping holiday has increased in popularity each year. American Express started the holiday as a way to highlight the need for people across the country to support their local small businesses. With all of the marketing, hype, and deals surrounding Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it was easy for small businesses to be overlooked. Small Business Saturday is a way for communities to come together and support each other and discover what makes their community special and unique.

Why You Should Participate

In 2017, small business owners nationwide greeted 108 million customers on Small Business Saturday. Green Apple Books, a small bookstore in San Francisco, continuously sees spikes in their sales every year on this shopping day. Besides increased sales, Small Business Saturday is a great way to connect with your community. Small business owners are aware of the challenges they face among large corporations and realize it’s important to support other small owners when they can.

Small Business Saturday Infographic

Bottom Line

Small Business Saturday is a great way for your business to stand out this holiday shopping season. While larger stores draw crowds in through a variety of flashy deals, your business may be the perfect, meaningful gift for somebody.

Keep an eye out for our next post which will share some tips to get your small business ready for the big day.

Have you participated in Small Business Saturday before? Tweet us @SurePayroll and share your tips for other small business owners.

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