The Payroll Blog

News, tips, and advice for small business owners

Top Trends and Technologies for 2020

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Denise Stern

Small business owners wear a lot of different hats, so anything that makes your job easier or more profitable is welcome. To kick off the New Year, SurePayroll has reviewed a few of this coming year’s top trends in small business management to help grow and succeed in your business endeavors.

A graph going upwards with the year 2020 in the middle of the graph to depict trends for the year.

Don’t discount the influencers

You don’t have to have a personal connection (or the funds) to know and encourage a nationally recognized sports figure or movie star to help promote your product or services. Run a search on social media channels for their top influencers or check out the list of influences on Instagram developed by Caroline Forsey for Hubspot titled, “The Ultimate List of Instagram Influencers in Every Industry (135 and Counting!). Influencers continue to have a huge impact – and influence – on today’s consumers. Don’t discount them in your upcoming marketing plans.

Update your software capabilities

Tech is here to stay. If your business takes advantage of computer-based technologies in 2020, you might be able to reduce the number of hats you wear. In his article, “Top 3 Small Business Technology Predictions for 2020”, author Blake Clark of Software Advice writes that 2020 is the year when small business owners can take advantage of leveraging data. You don’t have to be a huge corporation to use the concept in your small business. Research and analyze software that offers full features that comes with customizable cloud-based options and tools such as those that make cycle revenue management less complicated. Advances in such technologies give even small business owners the power to opt for customizable features and systems that you need for your business.

Use technology to lighten your load

Tech doesn’t have to be expensive or intimidating with massive manuals for operation. A number of software options are extremely affordable and can help reduce hours spent on back-end chores. For example, look to online invoicing, tax services, or accounting software, suggests Alyssa Gregory writing for The Balance-Small Business in her article, “33 Ways to Use Technology in Your Small Business.” Offer options such as team messaging, teleconferences or webinars for employee training and support. Time-tracking, along with project and task management software, can save hours of your day. For some, such software has always seemed intimidating and complicated to learn. Today, such technology is easier to use than ever.

Opt for Interactive

Consumers have embraced technology. Growing numbers of shoppers or even those browsing for products or services turn to social channels such as Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook for ideas and solutions. Over the past couple of years, a growing technology can take your content to a new level – shoppable posts. Marketing manager Georges Fallah, writing for Business2Community, suggests you get interactive in his article, “8 Digital Marketing Trends for 2020: Are You Ready?” Don’t ignore the potential of interactive ads to take advantage of near-instant purchasing power.

SurePayroll is ready for 2020. Are you? Come back next week for more tips, strategies, and advice for growing, managing, and succeeding in your business endeavors.

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