Salary Paycheck Calculator

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Try Out Our Mock Payroll Calculator for Salaried Employees 

Do you take a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach to small business payroll? If so, it’s helpful to have various free payroll estimator tools at your disposal.  

Our free salary paycheck calculator (see below) can help you and your employees estimate their paycheck ahead of time. Enter the required information into the form to instantly get your results.  

You can also use the calculator to calculate hypothetical raises, adjustments in retirement contributions, new dependents, and changes to health insurance premiums. 

In addition to our free salary paycheck calculator, our payroll calculators page contains an hourly paycheck calculator, among many others. 

Current SurePayroll Customers 

Estimates made using these payroll calculators will not affect SurePayroll account information. You must enter payroll data directly into your SurePayroll account if you would like it processed for an upcoming payroll period. 

Contact our Customer Service Department regarding any specific payroll concerns. 

Benefits of Using a Payroll Calculator 

There are many benefits of using a payroll calculator, including the ability to estimate your paycheck in advance. You can also use the same tool to calculate hypothetical changes, such as withholding more money from each paycheck or increasing your retirement contributions. 

Another benefit of a salary paycheck calculator is its ability to answer questions regarding your finances accurately. Examples include: 

How do you calculate take-home pay? 

A paycheck calculator allows you to quickly and accurately calculate take-home pay. It’s a simple four-step process: 

  • Determine your taxable income by deducting pre-tax contributions 
  • Withhold all applicable local, state, and federal taxes 
  • Deduct post-tax contributions 
  • Deduct any additional withholdings, such as wage garnishment 

The result is your take-home pay (or net income). 

How much tax is taken out of a paycheck? 

This varies from person to person and location to location. For example, the more money you earn, the more you pay in taxes. Additionally, state income tax rates vary.  

Take these steps to determine how much tax is taken out of a paycheck: 

  • Review current tax brackets to calculate federal income tax. 
  • Calculate Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA) taxes using this year’s Medicare. 
  • Determine if state income tax and local income tax apply.  
  • Divide the sum of all taxes by your gross pay. 

These steps will leave you with the percentage of taxes deducted from your paycheck.  

How do you calculate annual income? 

To calculate your annual salary, multiply the gross pay — before taxes — by the number of pay periods in the year.  

For example, if you earn $2,000/week, your annual income is calculated by taking $2,000 x 52 weeks for a total salary of $104,000. 

Note: your pay frequency may differ, such as if you’re paid bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly.  

Experiment with the paycheck calculator above to answer these questions — among others — while also pinpointing any changes you can make to boost your take-home pay and improve your personal finances.  

SurePayroll, Inc. and its subsidiaries assume no liability and make no warranties on or for the information contained on these state payroll pages. The information presented is intended for reference only and is neither tax nor legal advice. Consult a professional tax, legal or other advisor to verify this information and determine if and/or how it may apply to your particular situation.

This website contains articles posted for informational and educational value. SurePayroll is not responsible for information contained within any of these materials. Any opinions expressed within materials are not necessarily the opinion of, or supported by, SurePayroll. The information in these materials should not be considered legal or accounting advice, and it should not substitute for legal, accounting, and other professional advice where the facts and circumstances warrant. If you require legal or accounting advice or need other professional assistance, you should always consult your licensed attorney, accountant or other tax professional to discuss your particular facts, circumstances and business needs.