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3 Things to Expect From Your Nanny Payroll Provider

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Chris Bibey

Hiring a nanny is a big decision, as it will impact your personal life and finances in several ways.

A nanny playing games and doing activities with four children in a living room.

By hiring a nanny, you hope that hiring a nanny will free up some time in your schedule, reduce your day-to-day stress, and put your child or children in a more stable situation.

What you may not consider when hiring a nanny, is the fact that you are now officially a household employer. With this comes the added responsibility of ensuring your nanny is properly paid, meaning you don’t pay your nanny cash under the table.

From day one, you should have a clear understanding of nanny payroll and what’s expected of you as a household employer in regards to taxes, rules, and regulations (check out this IRS resource for an idea of how complicated things can become).

If you are looking to outsource payroll, it’s easy to believe that all nanny payroll providers are the same, but a bit of research will soon prove that nothing could be further from the truth.

Here are three things you should expect from your payroll provider:

1. Streamlined Process

You hire a nanny to make your life easier, not to add more confusion. This is why the best payroll providers have a streamlined and simplified process in place.

With SurePayroll, for example, you’re only required to take three steps:

  • Enter your nanny’s hours
  • Preview payroll (more on this below)
  • Approve payroll

2. Instant Preview

This goes along with the information in point #1 but is worth noting again.

An instant preview should provide a clear overview of the amount to be debited from your account on payday.

This provides an opportunity to catch mistakes, make any necessary last minute changes, and get a better overall feel for the impact of the payment on your bank account.

3. Mobile Access

Do you have time to sit down at your computer to review hours, run payroll, and make sure everything is in good working order?

Maybe you do, but we are guessing that you don’t, which is why a free payroll app for your mobile devices is sure to make your life easier.

With secure access from your computer, smartphone, or tablet, you never have to worry about where you are when it comes time to run nanny payroll. Instead, you can access your account from anywhere in the world (as long as you have an internet connection).


On the outside, being a household employer might seem easy, but in reality, the easy part is making mistakes on payroll or miscalculating what you owe for the nanny tax, which is not a good thing. To take the pressure off of yourself, choosing a reliable payroll provider is going to be a smart decision. If you’re looking for more tips on what you should be looking for in a nanny payroll service, we have a guide on the 5 questions to ask a nanny payroll service

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