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5 Things to Include in Your Nanny Contract

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Chris Bibey

Choosing to hire a nanny involves a lot of steps. Once you hire a nanny, one of your first steps should be creating a contract to ensure that you and your nanny are on the same page about how this position is expected to run. As you build a contract for you and your nanny to sign, there are some details you’ll never forget to ask. 

A nanny cutting up food at a kitchen table with two young children.

These include things such as:

  • Name and contact information
  • Effective start date
  • Compensation
  • Benefits
  • Schedule and time commitment
  • Termination procedure

While these basics are a must, there are other things to include to ensure that your nanny contract is as comprehensive and detailed as possible. To have smooth sailing during your nanny’s employment, here are five details you don’t want to forget to include:

1. House Rules

Should your nanny keep your children out of specific parts of the home? Do they have a special diet to follow? Are they allowed outside any time they want?

Most parents have house rules, so it’s a good idea to share them with your nanny. If you don’t, it could lead to a disagreement that turns into something much more serious than it needs to be.

2. Visitor Policy

Some nannies would never think twice about inviting a visitor to your home. Others, however, assume that there’s nothing wrong with this.

Clearly outline your visitor policy in the contract, as to avoid any gray area.

Maybe you’re okay with your nanny inviting certain people to your home, as long as you know who they are and first give them the go ahead. Or maybe you want to avoid this altogether. The choice is yours, but make sure you include it in the contract.

3. Emergency Procedures

What should your nanny do if your child becomes ill? What should they do if they suffer an injury? Does your nanny have all the emergency contact numbers they require?

You can’t include everything in your nanny agreement, but it’s important to touch on the basics regarding emergency procedures.  

Outlining emergency procedures will give you and your nanny peace of mind.

5. Discipline

As a parent, you may have a specific style in regards to how you discipline your children. If you want your nanny to follow your lead, within reason, it’s essential to include guidance in your contract.

You shouldn’t expect your nanny to take the same approach as you, but it’s okay to discuss this upfront, so you’re on the same page.

6. Call Off Policy

There’s nothing worse than hearing that your nanny is unavailable to work. However, you should prepare for this to happen from time to time.

There are times when your nanny will be too sick to watch your children. There may also be times when an emergency, such as a death in their family, keeps them away for the day (or longer).

It’s a good idea to have a call off policy, as it helps set expectations. Just realize that it’s not always possible for your nanny to adhere to the policy, such as if they come down with the flu a few hours before they’re expected to arrive at your home.

Bottom Line

While you may think that creating a contract is overkill for a nanny, it’s best to have everything outlined in one place to ensure that this working relationship operates as smoothly as possible. Communication is the key to success in relationships; your nanny isn’t a mind-reader and won’t know everything that you expect.

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